Base String

Base (i.e., lower-level) string functions.


var string = require( '@stdlib/string/base' );


Namespace containing "base" (i.e., lower-level) string functions.

var ns = string;
// returns {...}

The namespace contains the following functions:


var ns = require( '@stdlib/string/base' );

// Generate a Pascal case string...
var str = ns.pascalcase( 'beep boop' );
// returns 'BeepBoop'

// Tokenize a string into an array of string parts and format identifier objects...
str = 'The %d %s foxes jumped over the %d %s dogs.';
var tokens = ns.formatTokenize( str );
// returns [ 'The ', {...}, ' ', {...}, ' foxes jumped over the ', {...}, ' ', {...}, ' dogs.' ]

// Generate a string from a token array by interpolating values...
str = ns.formatInterpolate( tokens, 3, 'quick', 4, 'lazy' );
// returns 'The 3 quick foxes jumped over the 4 lazy dogs.'

// Test whether a string starts with the characters of another string...
str = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet';
var bool = ns.startsWith( str, 'Lorem' );
// returns true

// Test whether a string ends with the characters of another string...
bool = ns.endsWith( str, 'amet' );
// returns true

// Trim whitespace characters from the beginning and end of a string...
str = '   \t\n Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet   \n\t  ';
str = ns.trim( str );
// returns 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet'
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