
Replace the substring after the first occurrence of a specified search string.


var replaceAfter = require( '@stdlib/string/base/replace-after' );

replaceAfter( str, search, replacement, fromIndex )

Replaces the substring after the first occurrence of a specified search string.

var out = replaceAfter( 'beep boop', ' ', 'loop', 0 );
// returns 'beep loop'

out = replaceAfter( 'beep boop', 'o', 'bar', 0 );
// returns 'beep bobar'

To begin searching from a specific index, provide a corresponding fromIndex argument.

var out = replaceAfter( 'beep boop beep baz', 'beep', 'foo', 5 );
// return 'beep boop beepfoo'

If fromIndex is less than zero, the starting index is resolved relative to the last string character, with the last string character corresponding to fromIndex = -1.

var out = replaceAfter( 'beep boop beep', ' ', 'loop', -6 );
// returns 'beep boop loop'


  • If a search string is not present in a provided string, the function returns the provided string unchanged.
  • If a search string is an empty string, the function returns the provided string unchanged.
  • If fromIndex resolves to an index which is greater than or equal to str.length, the function returns the provided string unchanged.


var replaceAfter = require( '@stdlib/string/base/replace-after' );

var out = replaceAfter( 'beep boop', 'p', 'see', 0 );
// returns 'beepsee'

out = replaceAfter( 'Hello World!', 'xyz', 'foo', 0 );
// returns 'Hello World!'

out = replaceAfter( 'Hello World!', '', 'foo', 0 );
// returns 'Hello World!'

out = replaceAfter( '', 'xyz', 'foo', 0 );
// returns ''

out = replaceAfter( 'beep boop beep baz', 'beep', 'foo', 5 );
// return 'beep boop beepfoo'
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