Invokes a function for each Unicode code point in a string.
var forEachCodePoint = require( '@stdlib/string/base/for-each-code-point' );
forEachCodePoint( str, clbk[, thisArg ] )
Invokes a function for each Unicode code point in a string.
function log( value, index ) {
console.log( '%d: %s', index, value );
forEachCodePoint( 'Beep!', log );
/* =>
0: B
1: e
2: e
3: p
4: !
The invoked function is provided three arguments:
- value: Unicode code point.
- index: starting Unicode code point index.
- str: input string.
To set the function execution context, provide a thisArg
function clbk() {
this.count += 1;
var str = '👉🏿';
var ctx = {
'count': 0
forEachCodePoint( str, clbk, ctx );
var cnt = ctx.count;
// returns 2
var forEachCodePoint = require( '@stdlib/string/base/for-each-code-point' );
function log( value, index ) {
console.log( '%d: %s', index, value );
forEachCodePoint( 'presidential election', log );
forEachCodePoint( 'Iñtërnâtiônàlizætiøn', log );
forEachCodePoint( '🌷🍕', log );
forEachCodePoint( '\uD834\uDD1E', log );