
Tests whether every own property of an object fails a test implemented by a predicate function.


var noneOwnBy = require( '@stdlib/utils/none-own-by' );

noneOwnBy( object, predicate[, thisArg ] )

Tests whether every own property of an object fails a test implemented by a predicate function.

function isUnderage( age ) {
    return ( age < 18 );

var obj = {
    'a': 28,
    'b': 22,
    'c': 25

var bool = noneOwnBy( obj, isUnderage );
// returns true

If a predicate function returns a truthy value, the function immediately returns false.

function isUnderage( age ) {
    return ( age < 18 );

var obj = {
    'a': 12,
    'b': 22,
    'c': 25

var bool = noneOwnBy( obj, isUnderage );
// returns false


  • If the 1st argument is not an object or the second argument is not a fuction , the function throws a Type Error.

  • If provided an empty object, the function returns true.

    function truthy() {
        return true;
    var bool = noneOwnBy( {}, truthy );
    // returns true


var noneOwnBy = require( '@stdlib/utils/none-own-by' );

function isUnderage( age ) {
    return age < 18;

var obj = {
    'a': 26,
    'b': 20,
    'c': 25

var bool = noneOwnBy( obj, isUnderage );
// returns true
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