Studentized Range

Studentized range distribution.


var tukey = require( '@stdlib/stats/base/dists/studentized-range' );


Studentized range distribution.

var dist = tukey;
// returns {...}

The namespace contains the following distribution functions:


var tukey = require( '@stdlib/stats/base/dists/studentized-range' );

* Let's consider an example where we are analyzing the test scores of students in a class.
* We're interested in using the Studentized Range Distribution to analyze the range of scores.
* The distribution has parameters: r (number of means), v (degrees of freedom), and n (number of ranges).

var r = 5.0;
var v = 20.0;
var n = 3.0;

// CDF can be used to calculate the cumulative distribution function at a specific value:
var out = tukey.cdf( 2.0, r, v, n );
// returns ~0.074

// Quantile can also be used to calculate the quantile function at a specific probability:
out = tukey.quantile( 0.9, r, v, n );
// returns ~4.433
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