
Define non-enumerable read-only properties which expose ndarray function meta data.


var setProps = require( '@stdlib/ndarray/base/meta-data-props' );

setProps( meta, dtypes, obj )

Defines non-enumerable read-only properties which expose ndarray function meta data.

// Define ndarray function meta data:
var meta = {
    'nargs': 2,
    'nin': 1,
    'nout': 1

// Define the list of ndarray data types:
var dtypes = [
    'float64', 'float64'

// Define an object/function on which to set the properties:
var obj = {};

// Set the properties:
setProps( meta, dtypes, obj );

The meta data argument should be an object with the following properties:

  • nargs: total number of arguments. This value is one more than might be expected, as the output array is treated as an implicit argument, even when not explicitly provided.
  • nin: number of input ndarrays.
  • nout: number of output ndarrays.


var setProps = require( '@stdlib/ndarray/base/meta-data-props' );

// Define ndarray function meta data:
var meta = {
    'nargs': 2,
    'nin': 1,
    'nout': 1

// Define the list of ndarray data types:
var types = [
    'float64', 'float64',
    'float32', 'float32',
    'generic', 'generic'

// Define an object/function on which to set the properties:
var obj = {};

// Set the properties:
setProps( meta, types, obj );

// Retrieve ndarray function data...
var nargs = obj.nargs;
// returns 2

var nin = obj.nin;
// returns 1

var nout = obj.nout;
// returns 1

var sigs = obj.types;
// returns [...]
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