
Convert a signed 32-bit integer to a Node-API value.


var headerDir = require( '@stdlib/napi/create-int32' );


Absolute file path for the directory containing header files for C APIs.

var dir = headerDir;
// returns <string>


var headerDir = require( '@stdlib/napi/create-int32' );

console.log( headerDir );
// => <string>



#include "stdlib/napi/create_int32.h"

stdlib_napi_create_int32( env, value, *out )

Converts a signed 32-bit integer to a Node-API value.

#include "stdlib/napi/create_int32.h"
#include <node_api.h>

static napi_value addon( napi_env env, napi_callback_info info ) {

    // ...

    napi_value value;
    napi_status status = stdlib_napi_create_int32( env, 1, &value );
    assert( status == napi_ok );
    if ( err != NULL ) {
        assert( napi_throw( env, err ) == napi_ok );
        return NULL;

    // ...

The function accepts the following arguments:

  • env: [in] napi_env environment under which the function is invoked.
  • value: [in] int32_t signed 32-bit integer.
  • out: [out] napi_value* destination for storing output value.
napi_status stdlib_napi_create_int32( const napi_env env, const int32_t value, napi_value *out );

The function returns a napi_status status code indicating success or failure (returns napi_ok if success).

STDLIB_NAPI_CREATE_INT32( env, expression, name )

Macro for converting a signed 32-bit integer to a Node-API value.

#include "stdlib/napi/create_int32.h"
#include "stdlib/napi/argv_int32.h"
#include "stdlib/napi/argv.h"
#include <node_api.h>
#include <stdint.h>

static int32_t fcn( const int32_t v ) {
    return v;

// ...

static napi_value addon( napi_env env, napi_callback_info info ) {
    // Retrieve add-on callback arguments:
    STDLIB_NAPI_ARGV( env, info, argv, argc, 1 );

    // Convert the first argument to a C type:
    STDLIB_NAPI_ARGV_INT32( env, value, argv, 0 );

    // ...

    // Convert a value having a C type to a Node-API value:
    STDLIB_NAPI_CREATE_INT32( env, fcn( value ), out );

    return out;

The macro expects the following arguments:

  • env: environment under which the callback is invoked.
  • expression: expression returning a signed 32-bit integer.
  • name: output variable name.
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