Basic linear algebra subprograms (BLAS).


var blas = require( '@stdlib/blas' );


Namespace for basic linear algebra subprograms (BLAS).

var o = blas;
// returns {...}

The namespace contains the following:

  • base: base (i.e., lower-level) basic linear algebra subprograms (BLAS).
  • ddot( x, y[, dim] ): calculate the dot product of two double-precision floating-point vectors.
  • dswap( x, y[, dim] ): interchange two double-precision floating-point vectors.
  • ext: extended basic linear algebra subprograms (BLAS).
  • gdot( x, y ): calculate the dot product of two vectors.
  • gswap( x, y ): interchange two vectors.
  • sdot( x, y[, dim] ): calculate the dot product of two single-precision floating-point vectors.
  • sswap( x, y[, dim] ): interchange two single-precision floating-point vectors.


var objectKeys = require( '@stdlib/utils/keys' );
var blas = require( '@stdlib/blas' );

console.log( objectKeys( blas ) );
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