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Interface describing function options.




Optional buffer

buffer: ArrayLike<any>

Data source.


  • If provided along with a buffer argument, the argument takes precedence.

Optional casting

casting: undefined | string

Casting rule used to determine what constitutes an acceptable cast (default: 'safe').

Optional copy

copy: undefined | false | true

Boolean indicating whether to copy source data to a new data buffer (default: false).

Optional dtype

dtype: DataType

Underlying storage data type (if the input data is not of the same type, this option specifies the data type to which to cast the input data) (default: 'float64').

Optional flatten

flatten: undefined | false | true

Boolean indicating whether to automatically flatten generic array data sources (default: true).

Optional mode

mode: Mode

Specifies how to handle indices which exceed array dimensions (default: 'throw').

Optional ndmin

ndmin: undefined | number

Minimum number of dimensions (default: 0).

Optional order

order: Order

Specifies the memory layout of the array as either row-major (C-style) or column-major (Fortran-style) (default: 'row-major').

Optional readonly

readonly: undefined | false | true

Boolean indicating if an array should be read-only (default: false).

Optional shape

shape: Shape

Array shape.

Optional submode

submode: Array<string>

Specifies how to handle subscripts which exceed array dimensions on a per dimension basis (default: ['throw']).