
Return the minimum value of a specified numeric type.


var typemin = require( '@stdlib/utils/type-min' );

typemin( dtype )

Returns the minimum value of a specified numeric type.

var m = typemin( 'int8' );
// returns -128

The following numeric types are supported:

  • float64: double-precision floating-point numbers
  • float32: single-precision floating-point numbers
  • float16: half-precision floating-point numbers
  • int32: 32-bit two's complement signed integers
  • uint32: 32-bit unsigned integers
  • int16: 16-bit two's complement signed integers
  • uint16: 16-bit unsigned integers
  • int8: 8-bit two's complement signed integers
  • uint8: 8-bit unsigned integers
  • uint8c: 8-bit unsigned integers clamped to 0-255


var typemin = require( '@stdlib/utils/type-min' );

var m = typemin( 'float64' );
// returns -Infinity

m = typemin( 'float32' );
// returns -Infinity

m = typemin( 'float16' );
// returns -Infinity

m = typemin( 'int32' );
// returns -2147483648

m = typemin( 'uint32' );
// returns 0

m = typemin( 'int16' );
// returns -32768

m = typemin( 'uint16' );
// returns 0

m = typemin( 'int8' );
// returns -128

m = typemin( 'uint8' );
// returns 0

m = typemin( 'uint8c' );
// returns 0



Usage: typemin [options] <dtype>


  -h,    --help                Print this message.
  -V,    --version             Print the package version.


$ typemin int16
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