
Apply a function to each nested element in a three-dimensional nested array and assign the result to a nested element in a new three-dimensional nested array.


var map3d = require( '@stdlib/utils/map3d' );

map3d( arr, fcn[, thisArg] )

Applies a function to each nested element in a three-dimensional nested array and assigns the result to a nested element in a new three-dimensional nested array.

var naryFunction = require( '@stdlib/utils/nary-function' );
var abs = require( '@stdlib/math/base/special/abs' );

var arr = [
    [ [ -1, -2, -3 ] ],
    [ [ -4, -5, -6 ] ]

var out = map3d( arr, naryFunction( abs, 1 ) );
// returns [ [ [ 1, 2, 3 ] ], [ [ 4, 5, 6 ] ] ]

The applied function is provided the following arguments:

  • value: array element.
  • i: index of the first dimension.
  • j: index of the second dimension.
  • k: index of the third dimension.
  • arr: input array.

To set the this context when invoking the input function, provide a thisArg.

var abs = require( '@stdlib/math/base/special/abs' );

function fcn( v ) {
    this.count += 1;
    return abs( v );

var arr = [
    [ [ -1, -2, -3 ] ],
    [ [ -4, -5, -6 ] ]

var ctx = {
    'count': 0

var out = map3d( arr, fcn, ctx );
// returns [ [ [ 1, 2, 3 ] ], [ [ 4, 5, 6 ] ] ]

var cnt = ctx.count;
// returns 6


var filledarrayBy = require( '@stdlib/array/filled-by' );
var discreteUniform = require( '@stdlib/random/base/discrete-uniform' ).factory;
var naryFunction = require( '@stdlib/utils/nary-function' );
var abs2 = require( '@stdlib/math/base/special/abs2' );
var map3d = require( '@stdlib/utils/map3d' );

function nestedFill( i ) {
    var rand = discreteUniform( -10*(i+1), 10*(i+1) );
    return filledarrayBy( 10, 'float64', rand );

function fill() {
    return filledarrayBy( 10, 'generic', nestedFill );

// Create a three-dimensional nested array:
var x = filledarrayBy( 10, 'generic', fill );

// Create an explicit unary function:
var f = naryFunction( abs2, 1 );

// Compute the element-wise squared absolute value...
var y = map3d( x, f );

console.log( 'x:' );
console.log( x );

console.log( 'y:' );
console.log( y );
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