Constructor Name
Determine the name of a value's constructor.
var constructorName = require( '@stdlib/utils/constructor-name' );
constructorName( value )
Returns the name of a value's constructor.
var v = constructorName( 'a' );
// returns 'String'
v = constructorName( 5 );
// returns 'Number'
function Beep() {
return this;
v = constructorName( new Beep() );
// returns 'Beep'
description | value | constructor | notes |
string | 'beep' | 'String' | |
number | 5 | 'Number' | |
NaN | NaN | 'Number' | |
infinity | +infinity /-infinity | 'Number' | |
boolean | true /false | 'Boolean' | |
null | null | 'Null' | |
undefined | undefined | 'Undefined' | |
array | ['beep', 5] | 'Array' | |
object | {'foo': 'bar'} | 'Object' | |
function | function (){} | 'Function' | |
symbol | Symbol() | 'Symbol' | ES2015 |
regexp | /./ | 'RegExp' | Android 4.1+ |
String | new String('beep') | 'String' | |
Number | new Number(5) | 'Number' | |
Boolean | new Boolean(false) | 'Boolean' | |
Object | new Object() | 'Object' | |
Array | new Array() | 'Array' | |
Int8Array | new Int8Array() | 'Int8Array' | |
Uint8Array | new Uint8Array() | 'Uint8Array' | |
Uint8ClampedArray | new Uint8ClampedArray() | 'Uint8ClampedArray' | |
Int16Array | new Int16Array() | 'Int16Array' | |
Uint16Array | new Uint16Array() | 'Uint16Array' | |
Int32Array | new Int32Array() | 'Int32Array' | |
Uint32Array | new Uint32Array() | 'Uint32Array' | |
Float32Array | new Float32Array() | 'Float32Array' | |
Float64Array | new Float64Array() | 'Float64Array' | |
ArrayBuffer | new ArrayBuffer() | 'ArrayBuffer' | |
Buffer | new Buffer() | 'Buffer' | Node.js |
Date | new Date() | 'Date' | |
RegExp | new RegExp('.') | 'RegExp' | Android 4.1+ |
Function | new Function('x', 'return x') | 'Function' | |
Map | new Map() | 'Map' | ES2015 |
WeakMap | new WeakMap() | 'WeakMap' | ES2015 |
Set | new Set() | 'Set' | ES2015 |
WeakSet | new WeakSet() | 'WeakSet' | ES2015 |
Error | new Error() | 'Error' | |
TypeError | new TypeError() | 'TypeError' | |
SyntaxError | new SyntaxError() | 'SyntaxError' | |
ReferenceError | new ReferenceError() | 'ReferenceError' | |
URIError | new URIError() | 'URIError' | |
RangeError | new RangeError() | 'RangeError' | |
EvalError | new EvalError() | 'EvalError' | |
Math | Math | 'Math' | |
JSON | JSON | 'JSON' | IE8+ |
arguments | (function(){return arguments;})() | 'Arguments' | IE9+ |
custom constructor | new Beep() | 'Beep' | |
anonymous constructor | new (function(){})() | '' |
If a value's constructor is an anonymous
, the implementation returns an emptystring
.var Beep = function () { return this; }; var v = constructorName( new Beep() ); // returns ''
var Float32Array = require( '@stdlib/array/float32' );
var Float64Array = require( '@stdlib/array/float64' );
var Int8Array = require( '@stdlib/array/int8' );
var Int16Array = require( '@stdlib/array/int16' );
var Int32Array = require( '@stdlib/array/int32' );
var Uint8Array = require( '@stdlib/array/uint8' );
var Uint8ClampedArray = require( '@stdlib/array/uint8c' );
var Uint16Array = require( '@stdlib/array/uint16' );
var Uint32Array = require( '@stdlib/array/uint32' );
var ArrayBuffer = require( '@stdlib/array/buffer' );
var Buffer = require( '@stdlib/buffer/ctor' );
var Symbol = require( '@stdlib/symbol/ctor' );
var constructorName = require( '@stdlib/utils/constructor-name' );
function noop() {
// Do nothing...
var v = constructorName( 'a' );
// returns 'String'
v = constructorName( 5 );
// returns 'Number'
v = constructorName( NaN );
// returns 'Number'
v = constructorName( null );
// returns 'Null'
v = constructorName( void 0 );
// returns 'Undefined'
v = constructorName( true );
// returns 'Boolean'
v = constructorName( false );
// returns 'Boolean'
v = constructorName( {} );
// returns 'Object'
v = constructorName( [] );
// returns 'Array'
v = constructorName( noop );
// returns 'Function'
v = constructorName( /./ );
// returns 'RegExp'
v = constructorName( new Date() );
// returns 'Date'
v = constructorName( new Map() );
// returns 'Map'
v = constructorName( new WeakMap() );
// returns 'WeakMap'
v = constructorName( new Set() );
// returns 'Set'
v = constructorName( new WeakSet() );
// returns 'WeakSet'
v = constructorName( Symbol( 'beep' ) );
// returns 'Symbol'
v = constructorName( new Error() );
// returns 'Error'
v = constructorName( new TypeError() );
// returns 'TypeError'
v = constructorName( new SyntaxError() );
// returns 'SyntaxError'
v = constructorName( new URIError() );
// returns 'URIError'
v = constructorName( new RangeError() );
// returns 'RangeError'
v = constructorName( new ReferenceError() );
// returns 'ReferenceError'
v = constructorName( new EvalError() );
// returns 'EvalError'
v = constructorName( new Int8Array() );
// returns 'Int8Array'
v = constructorName( new Uint8Array() );
// returns 'Uint8Array'
v = constructorName( new Uint8ClampedArray() );
// returns 'Uint8ClampedArray'
v = constructorName( new Int16Array() );
// returns 'Int16Array'
v = constructorName( new Uint16Array() );
// returns 'Uint16Array'
v = constructorName( new Int32Array() );
// returns 'Int32Array'
v = constructorName( new Uint32Array() );
// returns 'Uint32Array'
v = constructorName( new Float32Array() );
// returns 'Float32Array'
v = constructorName( new Float64Array() );
// returns 'Float64Array'
v = constructorName( new ArrayBuffer() );
// returns 'ArrayBuffer'
v = constructorName( new Buffer( 'beep' ) );
// returns 'Buffer'
v = constructorName( Math );
// returns 'Math'
v = constructorName( JSON );
// returns 'JSON'
function Person1() {
return this;
v = constructorName( new Person1() );
// returns 'Person1'
var Person2 = function () {
return this;
v = constructorName( new Person2() );
// returns ''