
Assign callbacks to unary interfaces according to type promotion rules.


var callbacks = require( '@stdlib/strided/base/unary-signature-callbacks' );

callbacks( table, signatures )

Assigns callbacks to unary interfaces according to type promotion rules.

var signatures = require( '@stdlib/strided/base/unary-dtype-signatures' );
var identity = require( '@stdlib/math/base/special/identity' );
var cidentity = require( '@stdlib/math/base/special/cidentity' );
var cidentityf = require( '@stdlib/math/base/special/cidentityf' );

var dtypes = [

var sigs = signatures( dtypes, dtypes );
// returns [...]

var table = {
    'default': identity,
    'complex64': cidentityf,
    'complex128': cidentity

var list = callbacks( table, sigs );
// returns [...]

The function accepts the following arguments:

  • table: callback table.
  • signatures: strided array containing unary interface signatures.

A callback table should have the following properties:

  • default: default callback.
  • complex64: callback for single-precision complex floating-point numbers.
  • complex128: callback for double-precision complex floating-point numbers.


  • The function assumes that the provided signature array has the following properties:

    • a strided array having a stride length of 2 (i.e., every 2 elements define a unary interface signature).
    • for each signature (i.e., set of two consecutive non-overlapping strided array elements), the first element is the input data type and the second element is the return data type.
    • all signatures follow type promotion rules.


var dtypes = require( '@stdlib/strided/dtypes' );
var signatures = require( '@stdlib/strided/base/unary-dtype-signatures' );
var identity = require( '@stdlib/math/base/special/identity' );
var cidentity = require( '@stdlib/math/base/special/cidentity' );
var cidentityf = require( '@stdlib/math/base/special/cidentityf' );
var callbacks = require( '@stdlib/strided/base/unary-signature-callbacks' );

// Get the list of supported strided array data types:
var dt = dtypes();

// Generate unary interface signatures:
var sigs = signatures( dt, dt );

// Define a callback table:
var table = {
    'default': identity,
    'complex64': cidentityf,
    'complex128': cidentity

// Generate a list of callbacks according to type promotion rules:
var clbks = callbacks( table, sigs );
// returns [...]
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