Hexadecimal Color

Regular expression to match a hexadecimal color.


var reColorHexadecimal = require( '@stdlib/regexp/color-hexadecimal' );

reColorHexadecimal( [mode] )

Returns a regular expression to match a full hexadecimal color.

var RE = reColorHexadecimal();
// returns <RegExp>

var bool = RE.test( 'ffffff' );
// returns true

bool = RE.test( '000' );
// returns false

To return a regular expression that matches a shorthand hexadecimal color, set the mode argument to shorthand.

var RE = reColorHexadecimal( 'shorthand' );
// returns <RegExp>

var bool = RE.test( '000' );
// returns true

To return a regular expression that matches either a shorthand or a full length hexadecimal color, set the mode argument to either.

var RE = reColorHexadecimal( 'either' );
// returns <RegExp>

var bool = RE.test( '000' );
// returns true


Regular expression to match a full length hexadecimal color.

var bool = reColorHexadecimal.REGEXP.test( 'ffffff' );
// returns true

bool = reColorHexadecimal.REGEXP.test( '000' );
// returns false


Regular expression to match a shorthand hexadecimal color.

var bool = reColorHexadecimal.REGEXP_SHORTHAND.test( 'ffffff' );
// returns false

bool = reColorHexadecimal.REGEXP_SHORTHAND.test( '000' );
// returns true


Regular expression to match either a shorthand or a full length hexadecimal color.

var bool = reColorHexadecimal.REGEXP_EITHER.test( 'ffffff' );
// returns true

bool = reColorHexadecimal.REGEXP_EITHER.test( '000' );
// returns true


var isString = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string' ).isPrimitive;
var reColorHexadecimal = require( '@stdlib/regexp/color-hexadecimal' );

function isHexColor( value, mode ) {
    if ( !isString( value ) ) {
        return false;
    if ( mode === 'shorthand' ) {
        return reColorHexadecimal.REGEXP_SHORTHAND.test( value );
    if ( mode === 'either' ) {
        return reColorHexadecimal.REGEXP_EITHER.test( value );
    return reColorHexadecimal.REGEXP.test( value );

var bool = isHexColor( 'ffffff', 'full' );
// returns true

bool = isHexColor( '474747', 'either' );
// returns true

bool = isHexColor( '0A5BBE', 'shorthand' );
// returns false

bool = isHexColor( '000', 'full' );
// returns false

bool = isHexColor( '000', 'either' );
// returns true

bool = isHexColor( 'F7b', 'shorthand' );
// returns true

bool = isHexColor( 'abcd', 'either' );
// returns false

bool = isHexColor( '', 'either' );
// returns false

bool = isHexColor( null, 'either' );
// returns false
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