
Proxy object.


var Proxy = require( '@stdlib/proxy/ctor' );

Proxy( target, handlers )

Returns a proxy object implementing custom behavior for specified object operations.

function get( target, property ) {
    return target[ property ] * 2.0;

var handlers = {
    'get': get

var p = new Proxy( {}, handlers );

p.a = 3.14;

var v = p.a;
// returns 6.28

A handlers argument should be an object whose properties are functions (called "traps") which define the behavior of the proxy when performing operations. The following traps are supported:

  • getPrototypeOf( target )

    • Trap for Object.getPrototypeOf(). Can be used to intercept the instanceof operator. The method must return an object or null.
  • setPrototypeOf( target, prototype )

    • Trap for Object.setPrototypeOf(). The method must return a boolean indicating if the prototype was successfully set.
  • isExtensible( target )

    • Trap for Object.isExtensible(). The method must return a boolean.
  • preventExtensions( target )

    • Trap for Object.preventExtensions(). The method must return a boolean.
  • getOwnPropertyDescriptor( target, property )

    • Trap for Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(). The method must return an object or undefined.
  • defineProperty( target, property, descriptor )

    • Trap for Object.defineProperty(). The method must return a boolean indicating whether the operation succeeded.
  • has( target, property )

    • Trap for the in operator. The method must return a boolean.
  • get( target, property, receiver )

    • Trap for retrieving property values. The method can return any value.
  • set( target, property, value, receiver )

    • Trap for setting property values. The method should return a boolean indicating whether assignment succeeded.
  • deleteProperty( target, property )

    • Trap for the delete operator. The method must return a boolean indicating whether operation succeeded.
  • ownKeys( target )

    • Trap for Object.keys, Object.getOwnPropertyNames(), and Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(). The method must return an enumerable object.
  • apply( target, thisArg, argumentsList )

    • Trap for a function call. The method can return any value.
  • construct( target, argumentsList, newTarget )

    • Trap for the new operator. The method must return an object.

All traps are optional. If a trap is not defined, the default behavior is to forward the operation to the target.


var Float64Array = require( '@stdlib/array/float64' );
var Proxy = require( '@stdlib/proxy/ctor' );

var handlers;
var arr;
var p;
var i;

// Create a new typed array:
arr = new Float64Array( 10 );
for ( i = 0; i < arr.length; i++ ) {
    arr[ i ] = i;

// Define a "trap" when retrieving property values:
function get( obj, prop ) {
    if ( prop === 'length' ) {
        return obj.length;
    return obj[ prop ] * 2.0;

// Define the proxy handlers:
handlers = {
    'get': get

// Create a proxy:
p = new Proxy( arr, handlers );

// Access array values...
for ( i = 0; i < p.length; i++ ) {
    console.log( 'arr[%d] = %d', i, p[ i ] );
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