
Create a 2-dimensional plot.


var Plot = require( '@stdlib/plot/ctor' );

Plot( [x, y,] [options] )

Returns a plot instance for creating 2-dimensional plots.

var plot = new Plot();
// returns <Plot>

To provide plot data at instantiation, provide x and y data as arguments.

var x = [[0.10, 0.20, 0.30]];
var y = [[0.52, 0.79, 0.64]];

var plot = new Plot( x, y );
// returns <Plot>

The function accepts the following options:

  • autoRender: boolean indicating whether to re-render on a change event. Default: false.
  • autoView: boolean indicating whether to generate an updated view on a render event. Default: false.
  • colors: data color(s). Default: category10.
  • description: plot description. Default: ''.
  • engine: plot engine. Default: svg.
  • height: plot height. Default: 400 (pixels).
  • labels: data labels.
  • isDefined: accessor function indicating whether a datum is defined.
  • lineStyle: data line style(s). Default: '-'.
  • lineOpacity: data line opacity. Default: 0.9.
  • lineWidth: data line width. Default: 2 (pixels).
  • paddingBottom: bottom padding. Default: 80 (pixels).
  • paddingLeft: left padding. Default: 90 (pixels).
  • paddingRight: right padding. Default: 20 (pixels).
  • paddingTop: top padding. Default: 80 (pixels).
  • renderFormat: render format. Default: 'vdom'.
  • symbols: data symbols. Default: 'none'.
  • symbolsOpacity: symbols opacity. Default: 0.9.
  • symbolsSize: symbols size. Default: 6 (pixels).
  • title: plot title. Default: ''.
  • viewer: plot viewer. Default: 'none'.
  • width: plot width. Default: 400 (pixels).
  • x: x values. Default: [].
  • xAxisOrient: x-axis orientation. Default: 'bottom'.
  • xLabel: x-axis label. Default: 'x'.
  • xMax: maximum value of the x-axis domain. Default: null.
  • xMin: minimum value of the x-axis domain. Default: null.
  • xNumTicks: number of x-axis tick marks. Default: 5.
  • xRug: boolean indicating whether to render a rug plot along an x-axis.
  • xRugOrient: x-axis rug orientation. Default: 'bottom'.
  • xRugOpacity: x-axis rug opacity. Default: 0.1.
  • xRugSize: x-axis rug tick (tassel) size. Default: 6 (pixels).
  • xScale: x-axis scale. Default: 'linear'.
  • xTickFormat: x-axis tick format. Default: null.
  • y: y values. Default: [].
  • yAxisOrient: y-axis orientation. Default: 'left'.
  • yLabel: y-axis label. Default: 'y'.
  • yMax: maximum value of the y-axis domain. Default: null.
  • yMin: minimum value of the y-axis domain. Default: null.
  • yNumTicks: number of y-axis tick marks. Default: 5.
  • yRug: boolean indicating whether to render a rug plot along an y-axis.
  • yRugOrient: y-axis rug orientation. Default: 'left'.
  • yRugOpacity: y-axis rug opacity. Default: 0.1.
  • yRugSize: y-axis rug tick (tassel) size. Default: 6 (pixels).
  • yScale: y-axis scale. Default: 'linear'.
  • yTickFormat: y-axis tick format. Default: null.

In addition to supporting x and y data as arguments, the constructor supports providing data via the x and y options.

var opts = {
    'x': [[0.10, 0.20, 0.30]],
    'y': [[0.52, 0.79, 0.64]]

var plot = new Plot( opts );
// returns <Plot>

Note that x and y arguments take precedence over x and y options.

var opts = {
    'x': [[0.10, 0.20, 0.30]],
    'y': [[0.52, 0.79, 0.64]]

var x = [[0.40, 0.50, 0.60]];
var y = [[0.37, 0.51, 0.44]];

var plot = new Plot( x, y, opts );

var x1 = plot.x;
// returns [[0.40, 0.50, 0.60]]

var y1 = plot.y;
// returns [[0.37, 0.51, 0.44]]


Plot.prototype.render( [format] )

Renders a plot.

var plot = new Plot();
var vtree = plot.render();
// returns <Object>

By default, the method renders a plot as a virtual DOM tree. To render to an alternative format, provide a format argument.

var plot = new Plot();
var vtree = plot.render( 'html' );
// returns <string>

Plot.prototype.view( [viewer] )

Generates a plot view.

var plot = new Plot();

To generate a particular plot view without updating the viewer property, provide a viewer.

var plot = new Plot();
plot.view( 'stdout' );
// => '{...}'

Writable Properties


x values. The x property value must be an array, where each element corresponds to a plotted dataset.

var plot = new Plot();

// Set:
plot.x = [
    [ 1417563950959, 1417563952959 ], // dataset 1
    [ 1417563950959, 1417563952959 ]  // dataset 2

// Get:
var x = plot.x;
// returns [ [ 1417563950959, 1417563952959 ], [ 1417563950959, 1417563952959 ] ]


y values. The y property value must be an array, where each element corresponds to a plotted dataset.

var plot = new Plot();

// Set:
plot.y = [
    [ 0.25, 0.23 ], // dataset 1
    [ 0.72, 0.89 ]  // dataset 2

// Get:
var y = plot.y;
// returns [ [ 0.25, 0.23 ], [ 0.72, 0.89 ] ]


Data labels. During plot creation, each plotted dataset is assigned a label. If the number of labels is less than the number of plotted datasets, labels are reused using modulo arithmetic.

var plot = new Plot();

// Set:
plot.labels = [
    'beep', // assigned to datasets 0,2,4,...
    'boop'  // assigned to datasets 1,3,5,...

// Get:
var labels = plot.labels;
// returns ['beep','boop']

Plot.prototype.isDefined( d, i )

An accessor function which defines whether a datum is defined. This accessor is used to define how missing values are encoded. When invoked, the function is provided two arguments:

  • d: datum
  • i: datum index
function isDefined( d ) {
    return ( d !== null );

var plot = new Plot();

// Set:
plot.isDefined = isDefined;

// Get:
var fcn = plot.isDefined;
// returns <Function>

The default behavior is to ignore values which are NaN.


Data colors. To set the color for all plotted datasets, provide a color name.

var plot = new Plot();

// Set:
plot.colors = '#474747';

// Get:
var colors = plot.colors;
// returns ['#474747']

To specify the colors for each dataset, provide an array of colors. During plot creation, each plotted dataset is assigned one of the provided colors. If the number of colors is less than the number of plotted datasets, colors are reused using modulo arithmetic.

var plot = new Plot();

plot.colors = [
    '#000',             // assigned to datasets 0,3,6,9,...
    'rgb(100,100,100)', // assigned to datasets 1,4,7,10,...
    'red'               // assigned to datasets 2,5,8,11,...

// Get:
var colors = plot.colors;
// returns ['#000','rgb(100,100,100)','red']

A plot instance also supports providing the name of a predefined color scheme. The following schemes are supported:

  • category10
  • category20
  • category20b
  • category20c
var plot = new Plot();

// Set:
plot.colors = 'category20';

// Get:
var colors = plot.colors;
// returns <Array>


Data line style(s). The following line styles are supported:

  • '-': solid line.
  • '--': dashed line.
  • ':': dotted line.
  • '-.': alternating dashes and dots.
  • 'none': no line.

To set the line style for all plotted datasets,

var plot = new Plot();

// Set:
plot.lineStyle = '-'; // all solid lines

// Get:
var lineStyle = plot.lineStyle;
// returns ['-']

To specify the line style for each dataset, provide an array of line styles. During plot creation, each plotted dataset is assigned a lineStyle. If the number of line styles is less than the number of plotted datasets, line styles are reused using modulo arithmetic.

var plot = new Plot();

plot.lineStyle = [
    ':',    // assigned to datasets 0,3,6,9,...
    'none', // assigned to datasets 1,4,7,10,...
    '--'    // assigned to datasets 2,5,8,11,...


Data line opacity, where an opacity of 0.0 makes a line completely transparent and an opacity of 1.0 makes a line completely opaque. To set the opacity for all plotted lines,

var plot = new Plot();

// Set:
plot.lineOpacity = 0.9;

// Get:
var opacity = plot.lineOpacity;
// returns [0.9]

To specify the line opacity for each dataset, provide an array of opacities. During plot creation, each plotted dataset is assigned an opacity. If the number of opacities is less than the number of plotted datasets, opacities are reused using modulo arithmetic.

var plot = new Plot();

plot.lineOpacity = [
    0.7, // assigned to datasets 0,3,6,9,...
    0.2, // assigned to datasets 1,4,7,10,...
    1.0  // assigned to datasets 2,5,8,11,...


Data line width(s). To set the line widths for all plotted lines,

var plot = new Plot();

// Set:
plot.lineWidth = 1;

// Get:
var width = plot.lineWidth;
// returns [1]

To specify the line width for each dataset, provide an array of widths. During plot creation, each plotted dataset is assigned a line width. If the number of line widths is less than the number of plotted datasets, line widths are reused using modulo arithmetic.

var plot = new Plot();

plot.lineWidth = [
    1, // assigned to datasets 0,2,4,...
    3  // assigned to datasets 1,3,5,...


Data symbols. The following symbols are supported:

  • 'closed-circle': closed circles.
  • 'open-circle': open circles.
  • 'none': no symbols.

To set the symbols for all plotted datasets,

var plot = new Plot();

// Set:
plot.symbols = 'closed-circle';

// Get:
var sym = plot.symbols;
// returns ['closed-circle']

To specify the symbols used for each dataset, provide an array of symbols. During plot creation, each plotted dataset is assigned a symbol. If the number of symbols is less than the number of plotted datasets, symbols are reused using modulo arithmetic.

var plot = new Plot();

plot.symbols = [
    'closed-circle', // assigned to datasets 0,3,6,9,...
    'none',          // assigned to datasets 1,4,7,10,...
    'open-circle'    // assigned to datasets 2,5,8,11,...


Symbols size. To set the size of all symbols,

var plot = new Plot();

// Set:
plot.symbolsSize = 4;

// Get:
var size = plot.symbolsSize;
// returns [4]

To specify the symbols size for each dataset, provide an array of sizes. During plot creation, each plotted dataset is assigned a symbols size. If the number of sizes is less than the number of plotted datasets, sizes are reused using modulo arithmetic.

var plot = new Plot();

plot.symbolsSize = [
    4, // assigned to datasets 0,2,4,...
    6  // assigned to datasets 1,3,5,...


Symbols opacity, where an opacity of 0.0 makes a symbol completely transparent and an opacity of 1.0 makes a symbol completely opaque. To set the opacity for all plotted symbols,

var plot = new Plot();

// Set:
plot.symbolsOpacity = 0.9;

// Get:
var opacity = plot.symbolsOpacity;
// returns [0.9]

To specify the opacity for each dataset, provide an array of opacities. During plot creation, each plotted dataset is assigned an opacity. If the number of opacities is less than the number of plotted datasets, opacities are reused using modulo arithmetic.

var plot = new Plot();

plot.symbolsOpacity = [
    0.7, // assigned to datasets 0,3,6,9,...
    0.2, // assigned to datasets 1,4,7,10,...
    1.0  // assigned to datasets 2,5,8,11,...


Plot width (in pixels).

var plot = new Plot();

// Set:
plot.width = 720;

// Get:
var width = plot.width;
// returns 720


Plot height (in pixels).

var plot = new Plot();

// Set:
plot.height = 480;

// Get:
var height = plot.height;
// returns 480


Plot left padding (in pixels). Left padding is typically used to create space for a left-oriented y-axis.

var plot = new Plot();

// Set:
plot.paddingLeft = 120;

// Get:
var padding = plot.paddingLeft;
// returns 120


Plot right padding (in pixels). Right padding is typically used to create space for a right-oriented y-axis.

var plot = new Plot();

// Set:
plot.paddingRight = 90;

// Get:
var padding = plot.paddingRight;
// returns 90


Plot top padding (in pixels). Top padding is typically used to create space for a title or top-oriented x-axis.

var plot = new Plot();

// Set:
plot.paddingTop = 100;

// Get:
var padding = plot.paddingTop;
// returns 100


Plot bottom padding (in pixels). Bottom padding is typically used to create space for a bottom-oriented x-axis.

var plot = new Plot();

// Set:
plot.paddingBottom = 105;

// Get:
var padding = plot.paddingBottom;
// returns 105


Minimum value of the x-axis domain. When retrieved, if the value has been set to null, the returned value is computed from the x data.

var plot = new Plot();

// Set:
plot.xMin = -1.0;

// Get:
var xMin = plot.xMin;
// returns -1.0


Maximum value of the x-axis domain. When retrieved, if the value has been set to null, the returned value is computed from the x data.

var plot = new Plot();

// Set:
plot.xMax = 100.0;

// Get:
var xMax = plot.xMax;
// returns 100.0


Minimum value of the y-axis domain. When retrieved, if the value has been set to null, the returned value is computed from the y data.

var plot = new Plot();

// Set:
plot.yMin = -50.0;

// Get:
var yMin = plot.yMin;
// returns -50.0


Maximum value of the y-axis domain. When retrieved, if the value has been set to null, the returned value is computed from the y data.

var plot = new Plot();

// Set:
plot.yMax = 31.4;

// Get:
var yMax = plot.yMax;
// returns 31.4


Scale function for mapping values to a coordinate along the x-axis. The following scales are supported:

  • 'linear': linear scale.
  • 'time': time scale.

To set the scale,

var plot = new Plot();

plot.xScale = 'time';

When retrieved, the returned value is a scale function.

var plot = new Plot();

var xScale = plot.xScale;
// returns <Function>


Scale function for mapping values to a coordinate along the y-axis. The following scales are supported:

  • 'linear': linear scale.
  • 'time': time scale.

To set the scale,

var plot = new Plot();

plot.yScale = 'linear';

When retrieved, the returned value is a scale function.

var plot = new Plot();

var yScale = plot.yScale;
// returns <Function>


x-axis tick format. To set the tick format,

var plot = new Plot({
    'xScale': 'time'

plot.xTickFormat = '%H:%M';

When retrieved, if the value has not been set to null, the returned value is a formatting function.

var plot = new Plot({
    'xScale': 'time',
    'xTickFormat': '%H:%M'

var fmt = plot.xTickFormat;
// returns <Function>


y-axis tick format. To set the tick format,

var plot = new Plot({
    'yScale': 'linear'

plot.yTickFormat = '.0%';

When retrieved, if the value has not been set to null, the returned value is a formatting function.

var plot = new Plot({
    'yScale': 'linear',
    'yTickFormat': '.0%'

var fmt = plot.yTickFormat;
// returns <Function>


Number of x-axis tick marks. To set the number of tick marks,

var plot = new Plot();

// Set:
plot.xNumTicks = 10;

// Get:
var numTicks = plot.xNumTicks;
// returns 10

If the value is set to null, the number of tick marks is computed internally.

var plot = new Plot();

plot.xNumTicks = null;


Number of y-axis tick marks. To set the number of tick marks,

var plot = new Plot();

// Set:
plot.yNumTicks = 5;

// Get:
var numTicks = plot.yNumTicks;
// returns 5

If the value is set to null, the number of tick marks is computed internally.

var plot = new Plot();

plot.yNumTicks = null;


x-axis orientation. The following orientations are supported:

  • 'bottom'
  • 'top'

To set the orientation,

var plot = new Plot();

// Set:
plot.xAxisOrient = 'top';

// Get:
var orient = plot.xAxisOrient;
// returns 'top'


y-axis orientation. The following orientations are supported:

  • 'left'
  • 'right'

To set the orientation,

var plot = new Plot();

// Set:
plot.yAxisOrient = 'right';

// Get:
var orient = plot.yAxisOrient;
// returns 'right'


Boolean flag(s) indicating whether to display a rug plot along the x-axis. To set the for flag all plotted datasets,

var plot = new Plot();

// Set:
plot.xRug = true;

// Get:
var flgs = plot.xRug;
// returns [true]

To specify the flag for each dataset, provide an array of booleans. During plot creation, each plotted dataset is assigned a flag. If the number of flags is less than the number of plotted datasets, flags are reused using modulo arithmetic.

var plot = new Plot();

plot.xRug = [
    true, // assigned to datasets 0,2,4,...
    false // assigned to datasets 1,3,5,...


Boolean flag(s) indicating whether to display a rug plot along the y-axis. To set the for flag all plotted datasets,

var plot = new Plot();

// Set:
plot.yRug = true;

// Get:
var flgs = plot.yRug;
// returns [true]

To specify the flag for each dataset, provide an array of booleans. During plot creation, each plotted dataset is assigned a flag. If the number of flags is less than the number of plotted datasets, flags are reused using modulo arithmetic.

var plot = new Plot();

plot.yRug = [
    false, // assigned to datasets 0,2,4,...
    true   // assigned to datasets 1,3,5,...


x-axis rug orientation. The following orientations are supported:

  • 'bottom'
  • 'top'

To set the orientation for all plotted datasets,

var plot = new Plot();

// Set:
plot.xRugOrient = 'top';

// Get:
var orient = plot.xRugOrient;
// returns ['top']

To specify the x-axis rug orientation for each dataset, provide an array of orientations. During plot creation, each plotted dataset is assigned an orientation. If the number of orientations is less than the number of plotted datasets, orientations are reused using modulo arithmetic.

var plot = new Plot();

plot.xRugOrient = [
    'bottom', // assigned to datasets 0,2,4,...
    'top'     // assigned to datasets 1,3,5,...


y-axis rug orientation. The following orientations are supported:

  • 'left'
  • 'right'

To set the orientation for all plotted datasets,

var plot = new Plot();

// Set:
plot.yRugOrient = 'right';

// Get:
var orient = plot.yRugOrient;
// returns ['right']

To specify the y-axis rug orientation for each dataset, provide an array of orientations. During plot creation, each plotted dataset is assigned an orientation. If the number of orientations is less than the number of plotted datasets, orientations are reused using modulo arithmetic.

var plot = new Plot();

plot.yRugOrient = [
    'left', // assigned to datasets 0,2,4,...
    'right' // assigned to datasets 1,3,5,...


x-axis rug opacity, where an opacity of 0.0 makes a rug completely transparent and an opacity of 1.0 makes a rug completely opaque. To set the opacity for all plotted datasets,

var plot = new Plot();

// Set:
plot.xRugOpacity = 0.2;

// Get:
var opacity = plot.xRugOpacity;
// returns [0.2]

To specify the x-axis rug opacity for each dataset, provide an array of opacities. During plot creation, each plotted dataset is assigned an opacity. If the number of opacities is less than the number of plotted datasets, opacities are reused using modulo arithmetic.

var plot = new Plot();

plot.xRugOpacity = [
    0.1, // assigned to datasets 0,2,4,...
    1.0  // assigned to datasets 1,3,5,...


y-axis rug opacity, where an opacity of 0.0 makes a rug completely transparent and an opacity of 1.0 makes a rug completely opaque. To set the opacity for all plotted datasets,

var plot = new Plot();

// Set:
plot.yRugOpacity = 0.4;

// Get:
var opacity = plot.yRugOpacity;
// returns [0.4]

To specify the y-axis rug opacity for each dataset, provide an array of opacities. During plot creation, each plotted dataset is assigned an opacity. If the number of opacities is less than the number of plotted datasets, opacities are reused using modulo arithmetic.

var plot = new Plot();

plot.yRugOpacity = [
    0.7, // assigned to datasets 0,2,4,...
    0.1  // assigned to datasets 1,3,5,...


x-axis rug tick (tassel) size. To set the tick size for all plotted datasets,

var plot = new Plot();

// Set:
plot.xRugSize = 4;

// Get:
var size = plot.xRugSize;
// returns [4]

To specify the x-axis rug size for each dataset, provide an array of sizes. During plot creation, each plotted dataset is assigned a tick size. If the number of sizes is less than the number of plotted datasets, sizes are reused using modulo arithmetic.

var plot = new Plot();

plot.xRugSize = [
    4, // assigned to datasets 0,3,6,...
    6, // assigned to datasets 1,4,7,...
    4  // assigned to datasets 2,5,8,...


y-axis rug tick (tassel) size. To set the tick size for all plotted datasets,

var plot = new Plot();

// Set:
plot.yRugSize = 4;

// Get:
var size = plot.yRugSize;
// returns [4]

To specify the y-axis rug size for each dataset, provide an array of sizes. During plot creation, each plotted dataset is assigned a tick size. If the number of sizes is less than the number of plotted datasets, sizes are reused using modulo arithmetic.

var plot = new Plot();

plot.yRugSize = [
    6, // assigned to datasets 0,3,6,...
    4, // assigned to datasets 1,4,7,...
    4  // assigned to datasets 2,5,8,...


Plot description.

var plot = new Plot();

// Set:
plot.description = 'A plot of `x` vs `y`.';

// Get:
var desc = plot.description;
// returns 'A plot of `x` vs `y`.'


Plot title.

var plot = new Plot();

// Set:
plot.title = 'Time Series';

// Get:
var title = plot.title;
// returns 'Time Series'


x-axis label.

var plot = new Plot();

// Set:
plot.xLabel = 'time';

// Get:
var label = plot.xLabel;
// returns 'time'


y-axis label.

var plot = new Plot();

// Set:
plot.yLabel = 'value';

// Get:
var label = plot.yLabel;
// returns 'value'


Plot rendering engine. The following engines are supported:

  • 'svg'
var plot = new Plot();

// Set:
plot.engine = 'svg';

// Get:
var engine = plot.engine;
// returns 'svg'


Plot render format. The following formats are supported:

  • 'vdom'
  • 'html'
var plot = new Plot();

// Set:
plot.renderFormat = 'html';

// Get:
var fmt = plot.renderFormat;
// returns 'html'


Rendering mode. If true, an instance renders on each 'change' event; otherwise, rendering must be triggered manually.

var plot = new Plot();

// Set:
plot.autoRender = false;

// Get:
var mode = plot.autoRender;
// returns false


Plot viewer. The following viewers are supported:

  • 'none'
  • 'stdout'
  • 'window'
  • 'browser'
var plot = new Plot();

// Set:
plot.viewer = 'window';

// Get:
var viewer = plot.viewer;
// returns 'window'


Viewer mode. If true, an instance generates an updated view on each 'render' event; otherwise, generating a view must be triggered manually.

var plot = new Plot();

// Set:
plot.autoView = true;

// Get:
var mode = plot.autoView;
// returns true

Computed Properties


Returns the expected graph width.

var plot = new Plot({
    'width': 100,
    'paddingLeft': 20,
    'paddingRight': 10
var width = plot.graphWidth;
// returns 70


Returns the expected graph height.

var plot = new Plot({
    'height': 500,
    'paddingTop': 10,
    'paddingBottom': 120
var height = plot.graphHeight;
// returns 370


Returns the x-axis domain.

var plot = new Plot({
    'xMin': -1.0,
    'xMax': 1.0
var domain = plot.xDomain;
// returns [-1.0,1.0]


Returns the y-axis domain.

var plot = new Plot({
    'yMin': 0.0,
    'yMax': 100.0
var domain = plot.yDomain;
// returns [0.0,100.0]


Returns the x-axis range.

var plot = new Plot({
    'width': 100,
    'paddingLeft': 10,
    'paddingRight': 10
var range = plot.xRange;
// returns [0,80]


Returns the y-axis range.

var plot = new Plot({
    'height': 500,
    'paddingTop': 10,
    'paddingBottom': 120
var range = plot.yRange;
// returns [370,0]


Returns a function to map values to x-axis coordinate values.

var plot = new Plot();
var xPos = plot.xPos;
// returns <Function>


Returns a function to map values to y-axis coordinate values.

var plot = new Plot();
var yPos = plot.yPos;
// returns <Function>


var randn = require( '@stdlib/random/base/box-muller' );
var Float64Array = require( '@stdlib/array/float64' );
var plot = require( '@stdlib/plot/ctor' );

var now;
var x;
var y;
var i;

// Create some data...
now = ( new Date() ).getTime();
x = new Float64Array( 100 );
y = new Float64Array( x.length );
for ( i = 0; i < x.length; i++ ) {
    x[ i ] = now + (i*360000);
    y[ i ] = 50.0 + (10.0*randn());

// Create a new plot:
var h = plot( [x], [y], {
    'width': 600,
    'height': 480,
    'xScale': 'time',
    'xTickFormat': '%H:%M',
    'renderFormat': 'html',
    'autoRender': true

// Render as a virtual DOM tree:
var vtree = h.render( 'vdom' );
console.log( JSON.stringify( vtree ) );

// Render as HTML:
var html = h.render();
console.log( html );

// Listen for 'render' events (e.g., when triggered due to changes in state):
h.on( 'render', onRender );

setTimeout( update, 1000 );

function update() {
    h.width = 720;

function onRender( html ) {
    console.log( html );
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