
Create a zero-filled ndarray having a specified shape and data type.


var zeros = require( '@stdlib/ndarray/zeros' );

zeros( shape[, options] )

Creates a zero-filled ndarray having a specified shape and data type.

var arr = zeros( [ 2, 2 ] );
// returns <ndarray>

var sh = arr.shape;
// returns [ 2, 2 ]

var dt = arr.dtype;
// returns 'float64'

The specified output ndarray shape may be either an array-like object or an integer value.

var arr = zeros( 2 );
// returns <ndarray>

var sh = arr.shape;
// returns [ 2 ]

var dt = arr.dtype;
// returns 'float64'

The function accepts the following options:

  • dtype: underlying data type. Default: 'float64'.
  • order: specifies whether an ndarray is 'row-major' (C-style) or 'column-major' (Fortran-style). Default: 'row-major'.

By default, the function returns an ndarray having a float64 data type. To specify an alternative data type, provide a dtype option.

var arr = zeros( [ 2, 2 ], {
    'dtype': 'float32'
// returns <ndarray>

var sh = arr.shape;
// returns [ 2, 2 ]

var dt = arr.dtype;
// returns 'float32'


var dtypes = require( '@stdlib/ndarray/dtypes' );
var zeros = require( '@stdlib/ndarray/zeros' );

// Get a list of data types:
var dt = dtypes();

// Generate zero-filled arrays...
var arr;
var i;
for ( i = 0; i < dt.length; i++ ) {
    arr = zeros( [ 2, 2 ], {
        'dtype': dt[ i ]
    console.log( );
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