
Create an iterator which generates a sequence of triangular numbers.

The triangular numbers are the integer sequence

0 comma 1 comma 3 comma 6 comma 10 comma 15 comma 21 comma 28 comma 36 comma 45 comma 55 comma 66 comma ellipsis

starting at the 0th triangular number.

Triangular numbers are given by the following explicit formulas

upper T Subscript n Baseline equals sigma-summation Underscript i equals 1 Overscript n Endscripts i equals 1 plus 2 plus 3 plus ellipsis plus n equals StartFraction n left-parenthesis n plus 1 right-parenthesis Over 2 EndFraction equals StartBinomialOrMatrix n plus 1 Choose 2 EndBinomialOrMatrix

where the last formula corresponds to a binomial coefficient, representing the number of distinct pairs that can be selected from n+1 items.


var iterTriangularSeq = require( '@stdlib/math/iter/sequences/triangular' );

iterTriangularSeq( [options] )

Returns an iterator which generates a sequence of triangular numbers.

var it = iterTriangularSeq();
// returns <Object>

var v =;
// returns 0

v =;
// returns 1

v =;
// returns 3

v =;
// returns 6

v =;
// returns 10

// ...

The returned iterator protocol-compliant object has the following properties:

  • next: function which returns an iterator protocol-compliant object containing the next iterated value (if one exists) assigned to a value property and a done property having a boolean value indicating whether the iterator is finished.
  • return: function which closes an iterator and returns a single (optional) argument in an iterator protocol-compliant object.

The function supports the following options:

  • iter: number of iterations. Default: 134217727.

By default, the function returns a finite iterator to avoid exceeding the maximum safe double-precision floating-point integer. To adjust the number of iterations, set the iter option.

var opts = {
    'iter': 2
var it = iterTriangularSeq( opts );
// returns <Object>

var v =;
// returns 0

v =;
// returns 1

var bool =;
// returns true


  • If an environment supports Symbol.iterator, the returned iterator is iterable.


var iterTriangularSeq = require( '@stdlib/math/iter/sequences/triangular' );

// Create an iterator:
var opts = {
    'iter': 100
var it = iterTriangularSeq( opts );

// Perform manual iteration...
var v;
while ( true ) {
    v =;
    if ( v.done ) {
    console.log( v.value );
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