
Test if a finite double-precision floating-point number is a safe integer.


var isSafeInteger = require( '@stdlib/math/base/assert/is-safe-integer' );

isSafeInteger( x )

Tests if a finite double-precision floating-point number is a safe integer.

var bool = isSafeInteger( 1.0 );
// returns true


  • An integer valued number is "safe" when the number can be exactly represented as a double-precision floating-point number. For example,

    var MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = require( '@stdlib/constants/float64/max-safe-integer' );
    // returns 9007199254740991
    var x = 9007199254740992;
    // returns 9007199254740992
    var y = 9007199254740993;
    // returns 9007199254740992
    var bool = ( x === y );
    // returns true

    In this example, x and y should be distinct, but they are not due to constraints imposed by storing numeric values in double-precision floating-point format. "Safe" integers are thus double-precision floating-point numbers having integer values with unequivocal binary representations.


var isSafeInteger = require( '@stdlib/math/base/assert/is-safe-integer' );

var bool = isSafeInteger( -5.0 );
// returns true

bool = isSafeInteger( 2.0e200 );
// returns false

bool = isSafeInteger( 3.14 );
// returns false

bool = isSafeInteger( NaN );
// returns false
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