
Return the nth iterated value.


var iterNth = require( '@stdlib/iter/nth' );

iterNth( iterator, n )

Returns the nth iterated value.

var array2iterator = require( '@stdlib/array/to-iterator' );

var arr = array2iterator( [ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ] );

var v = iterNth( arr, 3 );
// returns 1

If n exceeds the total number of iterated values, the function returns undefined.

var array2iterator = require( '@stdlib/array/to-iterator' );

var arr = array2iterator( [ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ] );

var v = iterNth( arr, 10 );
// returns undefined


var randu = require( '@stdlib/random/iter/randu' );
var iterMap = require( '@stdlib/iter/map' );
var iterNth = require( '@stdlib/iter/nth' );

function threshold( r ) {
    return ( r > 0.95 );

// Create an iterator which generates uniformly distributed pseudorandom numbers:
var opts = {
    'iter': 100
var riter = randu( opts );

// Create an iterator which applies a threshold to generated numbers:
var miter = iterMap( riter, threshold );

// Return the 50th threshold result:
var bool = iterNth( miter, 50 );
// returns <boolean>

console.log( bool );
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