
Create an iterator which iterates over the values of two or more iterators.


var iterConcat = require( '@stdlib/iter/concat' );

iterConcat( iter0, ...iterator )

Returns an iterator which iterates over the values of two or more iterators.

var array2iterator = require( '@stdlib/array/to-iterator' );

var it1 = array2iterator( [ 1, 2 ] );
var it2 = array2iterator( [ 3, 4 ] );

var it = iterConcat( it1, it2 );
// returns <Object>

var v =;
// returns 1

v =;
// returns 2

v =;
// returns 3

v =;
// returns 4

var bool =;
// returns true

The returned iterator protocol-compliant object has the following properties:

  • next: function which returns an iterator protocol-compliant object containing the next iterated value (if one exists) assigned to a value property and a done property having a boolean value indicating whether the iterator is finished.
  • return: function which closes an iterator and returns a single (optional) argument in an iterator protocol-compliant object.


  • If an environment supports Symbol.iterator and provided iterators are iterable, the returned iterator is iterable.


var randu = require( '@stdlib/random/iter/randu' );
var randn = require( '@stdlib/random/iter/randn' );
var iterConcat = require( '@stdlib/iter/concat' );

// Create a seeded iterator for generating uniformly distributed pseudorandom numbers:
var runif = randu({
    'seed': 1234,
    'iter': 10

// Create a seeded iterator for generating normally distributed pseudorandom numbers:
var rnorm = randn({
    'seed': 1234,
    'iter': 10

// Create an iterator which concatenates iterators:
var it = iterConcat( runif, rnorm );

// Perform manual iteration...
var v;
while ( true ) {
    v =;
    if ( v.done ) {
    console.log( v.value );
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