
An emoji database.


var emoji = require( '@stdlib/datasets/emoji' );


Returns an emoji database.

var data = emoji();
// returns [ {...}, ... ]

Each element in the returned database has the following fields:

  • group: emoji group (illustrative); e.g., 'Smileys & Emotion'.
  • subgroup: emoji subgroup (illustrative); e.g., 'face-smiling'.
  • codepoints: list of one or more hex code points, separated by spaces; e.g., '1F600'.
  • hash: hash value used to match related emoji.
  • status: indicates whether an emoji element is missing one or more emoji presentation selectors. Possible values: 'fully-qualified', 'minimally-qualified', 'unqualified'.
  • emoji: rendered emoji; e.g., '😀'.
  • short_name: CLDR short name; e.g., 'grinning face'.
  • description: short description (often matching the CLDR short name, but omitting skin tones, hair styles, et cetera).
  • aliases: an array of emoji aliases (i.e., common names used to refer to an emoji).
  • keywords: an array of keywords related to an emoji.
  • codes: an array of emoji codes (i.e., convenient character sequences used within text to refer to an emoji); e.g., ':grinning:' and ':call_me_hand::skin-tone-5:'.

In addition, for those emoji supporting skin tones, an element may have the following field:

  • skin_tones: an array of skin tone modifiers based on the Fitzpatrick scale; e.g., 'skin-tone-2'.


var discreteUniform = require( '@stdlib/random/base/discrete-uniform' );
var emoji = require( '@stdlib/datasets/emoji' );

var data;
var len;
var idx;
var d;
var i;

data = emoji();
len = data.length;

// Select random emoji...
for ( i = 0; i < 100; i++ ) {
    idx = discreteUniform( 0, len-1 );
    d = data[ idx ];
    console.log( d.emoji + ' => ' + d.codes[ 0 ] );



Usage: emoji [options]


  -h,    --help                Print this message.
  -V,    --version             Print the package version.


  • Data is written to stdout as newline-delimited JSON (NDJSON).


$ emoji


The data files (databases) are licensed under an Open Data Commons Public Domain Dedication & License 1.0 and their contents are licensed under Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal. The software is licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0.

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