
Test if a value is an EvalError object.


var isEvalError = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-eval-error' );

isEvalError( value )

Tests if a value is an EvalError object.

var bool = isEvalError( new EvalError( 'beep' ) );
// returns true


  • This function should not be considered robust. While the function should always return true if provided an EvalError (or a descendant) object, false positives may occur due to the fact that the EvalError constructor inherits from Error and has no internal class of its own. Hence, EvalError impersonation is possible.


var isEvalError = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-eval-error' );

var bool = isEvalError( new EvalError( 'eval error' ) );
// returns true

bool = isEvalError( new Error( 'error' ) );
// returns false

bool = isEvalError( new RangeError( 'range error' ) );
// returns false

bool = isEvalError( new ReferenceError( 'reference error' ) );
// returns false

bool = isEvalError( new SyntaxError( 'syntax error' ) );
// returns false

bool = isEvalError( new TypeError( 'type error' ) );
// returns false

bool = isEvalError( new URIError( 'URI error' ) );
// returns false

bool = isEvalError( {} );
// returns false

bool = isEvalError( null );
// returns false
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