Apply a mask to two provided input arrays in a single pass.
var mskfilter2 = require( '@stdlib/array/base/mskfilter2' );
mskfilter2( x, y, mask )
Returns new arrays by applying a mask to two provided input arrays in a single pass.
var x = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ];
var y = [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ];
var out = mskfilter2( x, y, [ 0, 1, 0, 1 ] );
// returns [ [ 2, 4 ], [ 1, 3 ] ]
The function supports the following parameters:
- x: first input array.
- y: second input array.
- mask: mask array.
The function always returns new "generic" arrays.
- If a
array element is truthy, the corresponding elements in the input arrays are included in the respective output arrays; otherwise, the corresponding elements in the input arrays are "masked" and thus excluded from the respective output arrays.
var zeroTo = require( '@stdlib/array/base/zero-to' );
var bernoulli = require( '@stdlib/random/array/bernoulli' );
var mskfilter2 = require( '@stdlib/array/base/mskfilter2' );
// Generate linearly spaced arrays:
var x = zeroTo( 20 );
console.log( x );
var y = zeroTo( x.length );
console.log( y );
// Generate a random mask:
var mask = bernoulli( x.length, 0.5, {
'dtype': 'generic'
console.log( mask );
// Filter both arrays using the mask:
var out = mskfilter2( x, y, mask );
console.log( out );